Monday, February 25, 2013

Clips from 'ASIA TOUR 2013' in Taipei


Anonymous said...

Feels like watching the same a different place -..-

Anonymous said...

as it take much time to create a new concert, i can't understand if she couln't handle it , ^^ much love to you Amuro chan (we support you from France)

Anonymous said...

as it take much time to create a new concert, i understand that she couln't handle it , ^^ much love to you Amuro chan (we support you from France)

Anonymous said...

As a fan outside of Japan and going to the Singapore show, I am very happy that it's the same as the 20th Anniversary Dome Tour because it's like a celebration with her fans and she's celebrating with us Asian fans too. Can't wait to see this Big Boys Cry performance LIVE.

Anonymous said...

yeah seriously, I feel like Namie needs a new makeover and concert outfits and hairstyles... she always does the same thing for every tour. I love her to death but she needs something new.