[ ベストアルバム ]
新曲2曲を加えたBEST ALBUM!!
2002年シングル「Wishing on a star」ー「60s70s80s」
OMG! O_O It sounded amazing! Can't wait for the tracklist cuz I really hope she included 'the SPEED STAR' and its PV in the best album.
The article doesn't say the cd will feature 17 tracks. Only that the DVD will be 17 tracks long... or do you have more official info on that matter?
That's what I have been waiting for Long!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited about the 2 new songs!!!
I am so going to submit my preorder for this at YesAsia as soon as it's available.
I don't even care if I have to pay upfront for it and wait two months for it to ship. :P
Yippie ... I don't care what type ... Best album or what else ... as long i get to listen to her .... Maybe she will come to S'pore to do some promos though I find it highly unlikely
Errmm .. the news posted did not state that it will contain 17 songs .. only songs from wishing on the same star to 60s 70s 80s ... that's from my understanding of the news posted ...
i cant wait! i hope the new songs are better than "black diamond"! Yay Namie!!!!
If it's 17 PVs, then it's safe to assume that it's every single PV from 'Wishing on the same star' to 60s70s80s' as every single that had a video, including SPEED STAR and Ningyo, would be included to make the total 17.
I think it may be a 2CD+DVD album. Since it's a BEST album and doesn't say it's a BEST singles album, and to be just singles would be 21 tracks (which is excessive for one album if she does in fact release every single from Wishing to 60s70s80s plus the two new tracks) I bet she'll split it into 2 cds and include other fan favorites.
Yatta! Thanks for news :) So sad that I don't know japanese... However I'm so happy for Namie's new album!!! Will be waiting for pre-ordering start on cdjapan! Even if it's just single collection!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! a BEST ALBUM :D:D:D:D:D:D im dying for the two new songs. i bet they'll release in a while. its end of May and the Album releases in July. i bet the songs will release in June. YUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! NAMIE NAMIE NAMIE ALL THE WAYYYY! COME TO INDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe BEST album will contains tracks with new versions (like love enhanced)?
cant wait to pre-order it. shame that cdjapan and yesasia dont have thats positions ;)
NEW PVs will be so good ;)
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