Tuesday, October 30, 2007

'PLAY' tour 2007 filmed in Tokyo International Forum A!

'PLAY' tour 2007 finally arrived at Tokyo International Forum A on 30th and 31st Oct ! And it just ended its first day performance a couple of hours ago...

According to Japanese fans who went to the concert, it's confirmed that today's performance was filmed (今日はDVD用の撮影カメラでしたよ。). Same as tomorrow's performance!

Now all we need to do are to wait for the official Japanese's media coverages and a preview video from yahoo.jp! ^_^



"Pink Key" rised to #9 on Tokio Hot 100 Chart!

Namie's "Pink Key" is at no.9 this week on Tokio Hot 100 Chart! It jumped from no.47 to no.9 ! Congrats !

TOKIO HOT 100 Chart


Scans from 'UGA' Magazine July issue

Remember the 'UGA' Karaoke Magazine cover I posted back a while ago?

Here're the scans:


Sunday, October 28, 2007

'PLAY' tour 2007 - 10/27 Photos' Report!

Here's are some fantastic photos from a amuro china's member who went to the concert on 10/27!

Enjoy! Click for VERY large pics:

Ticket she bought on spot for 20,00 yen! >_<

Fan with signed 'world of golden egg' goodies bag'

One of the photos of the tour goodies she bought

That's how the stage design looked like...omg! >_<

Posters' booth after the concert ended... i think.

I'm full of jealousy just now. >_< I need to get one of the posters!!!

Here's something interesting!

Look at this CRAZY fan she saw there! >_< ...

photos by [hiroko] @ amurochina BBS

Saturday, October 27, 2007

'PLAY' Week 17 Sales

安室奈美恵 - "PLAY"

Week 17: 1,216
Total: 508,924


Friday, October 26, 2007

Rumour of Namie new CM for P&G Hair Product!!

According to this Japanese blog, namie will be the spokewoman for a new hair-product by P&G! And the CM will be aired on 1/19 next year!

Whether it's true or not, we'll wait & see... ^_^


Thursday, October 25, 2007

'Pink Key' debuts at #47 at 'j-wave TOKIO HOT 100'

On 21/10, "Pink Key" debuted at No.47 on one of the most popular Japanese Radio-station, j-wave's TOKIO HITS 100 chart. It's also the No.4 new-coming songs on the chart.

It seems that 'Pink Key' suddenly caught people attention after it was aired as the theme song for Lipton Chiffon Milk-tea. ^_^ Congrats to namie! I bet it will gradually moves up the chart...

For your info, 'Hide & Seek' hits the No.1 spot a while back.


Namie appearing on 'Okinawa Idol'

It seems that namie will be appearing on the latest episode of 'Okinawa Idol'. Not sure whether she will be involved in a bigger role or just a interview seen in the pic. Stay tune for more updates/videos.

okinawa idol website

credit to amurochina bbs

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

CDTV Poll : My Fashion Leader

On 20th Oct, CDTV has revealed a survey results of "私のFashion Leader"

Results (female):

1 浜崎あゆみ (Hamasaki ayumi)
2 倖田來未 (Koda kumi)
3 安室奈美恵 (Amuro namie)
4 持田香織 (Mochida kaori - ELT)
6 大塚愛 (Otsuka ai)
7 aiko
8 木村カエラ (Kimura Rie Kaela )
9 中島美嘉 (Nakashima mika)

Happy that namie is at no.3 ! ^_^

Although she can't beat the all-time jpop queen, ayumi hamasaki and the hottest, recently most popular, Koda Kumi... I'm glad she still at the top fashion icons of gals in Japan.

At least she can prove that she's not 'out-dated', like some ppl say...


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rare video of Namie on VMAJ 2003 Red-carpet!

OMG ! >_<

Namie attended 'Video Music Award Japan' every year since 2002...and in my opinion, she looked the best & hottest in 2003's !!! But I never get to see any videos related to that year event... HOWEVER !!! I saw this video just now and i'm OVER-JOYED !!! OMG ! >_<

Namie looked like when she was 19 in it... ^_^ Totally stunning!

uploaded by [DJTRNX2]

Sunday, October 21, 2007

More about Namie's tattoos...

Like to share with all of you guys something. ^_^

Here're pics of namie's tattoos that I have:

As you know, the one on namie's upper-left torso says:

JUN.30 in 1950
my mothers love live with me
Eternally in my heart
MAR.17 in 1999

Below it is namie's son's name 'HARUTO'.

As for the other two around her right-wrist, it basically just a flower-patterned tattoo and a bar-code that reads '19770920', her birthday.

The bar-code tattoo was her first tattoo made during a trip to Jamaica in 1996.

You can tell how much her family means to her and the tattoos are not just for fun or fashion, each of them meant something important to her...


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Namie's Trivias

Quite a while ago, I wrote some interesting stuffs I knew about namie from either magazine interviews, tv talk-shows etc from all these years, onto the trivia section of namie's wikipedia.

However, they are removed after a while. Fortunately, MTVasia used it in the biography of namie and now I am about to look at what I wrote before again ^_^.

Here's the trivia:

* Namie's mum was murdered by namie's uncle (emiko's brother-in-law) due to long-time conflicts. He ran namie's mum over a few times in his car and hacked her several times with an axe. He later committed suidcide in his car.

* Namie was reported not shedding any tears during her mum's funeral knowing herself that she had done her mother proud and she get to become a grandmum before passing away.

* Namie has 4 tattoos in total. She got her first tattoo during a trip to Jamaica in 1996. It is a barcode near her left wrist which reads her birthdate "19770920." Two are located near her wrist on her left arm, one speaks her son's name 'HARUTO' while the other is a tribute to her slain mother.

* It was reported that namie's face length is only 15cm long! From the tip of her forehead to her chin.

* Namie officially announced to the media that she's borned a 'shy' person, which is a charactertistic not many showbiz artists have.

* When Namie was enrolled in Okinawa's Actor School, she was given a choice between dancing+singing classes and actor classes. When she found out that she was too shy to act and read the scripts aloud in front of the class, she switched to the dancing and singing courses instead.

* Namie cried in front of her manager asking why she was given the lead role in her debut movie 'That's cunning?'.

* Namie implanted a silver belly button ring after hearing her son calling her 'old'.

* Namie was a coach of a elementary school's baseball team.

* Namie loved to eat, especially oily fried foods. When asked what she will do if tomorrow is the end of the world, she replied that she will eat as much delicious foods as possible!

* Namie loves to serve her staffs with Sake (Japanese rice wine) during parties until they are drunken but she never drank it before herself ! Her first time drinking sake was during a music programme 'Utaban' episode with Mariah Carey as the special quest

* Namie and her son lived in an apartment unit where her ex-husband lived in the same block but different unit.

* Although divorced, namie was spotted attending her son's school events with her ex-husband.

* It is reported that namie will return from her work to tug her son in and bring him to his first-day at school the next morning, even she's far away from Tokyo for work.

* Namie let her son attended her 'SO CRAZY' tour concert in order to let him have a idea of what his mum was doing for work.

* Namie mentioned that the most important part of her career is doing live concerts. All her songs she picked are meant to be performed in her lives. She picks songs that can make her look great or cool when performed live. So in order to perform them live, she need to release them in her albums first. She will quit if she is not given a chance to hold anymore concerts.

* Namie likes to feel nervous during her concerts than feeling relax because it gives her a better performance results.

* Namie went to America for vocal lessons during 2002 to change the way she sings before she started the SUITE CHIC collabration.

* Namie mentioned before in a Taiwan's Variety Show that she never go to gym before her concerts' date to increase her stamina. The only thing she did was to dance during rehearsals.

* Namie mentioned that she likes to wear 'cold' colors tops e.g white, black, blue, brown etc which suits any like of pants or jeans. She also mentioned that she doesn't like to wear hats in the past because she couldn't find any that looks nice on her.

* Namie mentioned in a interview that she once baked a cake on top of a stove instead of in an oven!

* Namie is a Japan manga (comic) lover ! She has a very large collection of manga at home and she read them in her waiting time during work.

* Namie loves to watch tv when at home. She watches classic anime like 'Dragonball Z'. She also loved to watch Korean dramas and found herself hooked to some of them! She also watches america series like 'Prison Break' and '24'.

* Namie currently owns a dog named 'Koto'. She used to own another dog named 'Betty' a couple years ago and rumours say that it has passed away. 'Betty' and 'Koto' can be found in the credits of her album and dvd releases under the 'special thanks to' section.


Friday, October 19, 2007

'Luvotomy' / m-flo loves 安室奈美惠 -Live Version-

Finally the video is being recorded and uploaded!

I'm not really crazy about this performance...
I loved the song but the video is bit boring imo. ^_^;

Hope that the live version in 'PLAY' tour 2007 will be better!

credit [Timale-kun] for the video

Thursday, October 18, 2007

'PLAY' tour 2007 Report 2

I direct-translated a detailed report on 'PLAY' tour by a china-forum member [AmR].


N.A PLAY TOUR 2007 相模大野 Report,超HIGH!

Although the set is small this time but the stage design is very stylish.

There's a big "FUNKY TOWN" sign-post, tall structures that looked like tall buildings. There's also Heart-shaped structure spreading from the middle of the stage to the sides. The middle of the stage has the staircase-like-structure similar to last year tour but this stairs has glowing effects that changes according to the music and lightings. The main focus is finally a image-screen is used for more dramatic changes to the stage. This is also what i always wanted! Simple but can give great effects to the whole performance!!!!

As for the outfits part, i think most of you had seen them. A lot of dislikes. At first, I thought the outfits are not that nice looking but after watching the concert, I deeply realized that if not because of the music and lightings together, you can't confirmed that they're not good. E.g the leopard-spotted outfit is used cuz it totally matches with the wildness/hotness feeling of 'WANT ME, WANT ME'. Most of the outfits looked great when they're with the lightings effects.

1. Hide & Seek
Super cool! Lying on the bike. The outfit is the most impressive in the whole concert. Her female dancers at the same time were waving big flags. Very powerful!

2. Full Moon
At first I felt that this song is only 'ok' in the album but after I saw the concert, I can finally understood why namie mentioned that she chose this song especially for the concert. Wonder why it get so high! A bit shy when dancing on top of the bike with the male dancers. However this performance has very good dances. When reaching the 'full moon' part of the song, that's also the full moon motion.

3. It's all about you
Same as previous, unexplainable high.

- MC -
This time, someone in the crowd shouted "AMURA!". Namie, with a usual, normal, calm attitude, replied 'Don't say that! Or else I'll be very difficult. Amura will only appear later!'. She's funny!

4. Butterfly
This song has choreography. Wonder why ppl said that it don't previously? The main focus is when namie and her dancers gathered in the middle of the upper-stage, a ball-like structure covered them and the male dancers rushed down while namie changes. When the next song starts, the ball-structure immediately opened and namie re-appeared with a new outfit and hat. Incredibly fast! They must practiced it lots of time!

The next 3 songs are the most impressive in the whole concert. Also the first climax. The image-screen lowered onto the middle of the upper-stage, flashing 'FUNKY TOWN' and bunny-girls' red lamps. Fill with feeling of a 'drinking bar'. Namie then dances sexually while holding a metal-tray. Flirting with the guys below. Very sexy but not sluggish.

6. Come
A big crystal, glowing ball, similar to one in FUNKY TOWN's cover, reflecting bright silver lights. The stage seems to enter into another dimension. With flawless dances.

7. Luvotomy
Favorite song. This time, the stage consists of moving cubes. Can say that the dancers are pretty tiring. They need to dance and arrange the cubes frequently. The guys, dunno when, hide inside the cubes while namie wears a silver top onto her previous outfit and the guys took out cameras to take photos of namie. While namie looked like a superstar (she already is one ~~~) She dances, at the same time cat-walking. The image-screen also appeared behind namie, flashing heart-shaped images. Very eye-pleasing.

8. Should I Love Him?
Gentle dances like exist for you in Live Style 2006.

Nothing special about the performance but cute still. Looking for the guys with 'love' sign-post. The more affection, the brighter the sign-post.

The moving-stage changed into a pool-table ^_^;. The stage once again changed into a bar. Felt like the environment inside the tour pamphlet. The gals holding pool-sticks . Although the dances are the same but namie moves around the bar fluently and relaxingly throwing darts (if she hits, the crowd will cheer. Dunno what happened if she missed?).

11. Hello
Same dances as the pv.

12. 人魚 (Ningyo)
Her vocal this time round is supreme! Totally no signs of out-of-tone. Even the most difficult-to-sing Ningyo is sang like the CD's. Avoiding notes that are too high.

13. Baby Don't Cry
Annoyed that this song is sang so beginning of the concert. A very engaging song. Although no choreography but still very high. Everyone sang along. Hope it can be sang during encore. A great potential to become a must-sing in her concerts.

14. Step With It
The dances looked great as usual.

15. Chase the Chance
At first, the drummer added slight rock-feeling to the song. The dances also became very intense. The first ever time namie jumped onto the male dancer and uses her legs to grab hold of him. Then he lifted namie up high. (similar to ballroom dances).

The screen starts to move down, showing 'AMURA' footage. The clip is damn funny! I think that it's more funny then the one in the album's DVD! Amura said she's not feeling well. She said she can't sleep (namie sings 'Can't sleep~~~'), can't eat (namie sings 'Can't eat~~~). Very funny and great way to connect to the song, and the song starts!

Wonder why this song always give a very cheerful feeling when performed in the concert.

New choreography. Sexy moves, matching lightings and with a jungle-like music. Namie wearing leopard-spots, dancing to more daring moves then before. As if showing ppl her 30 years old, matured woman's charm.

19. Top Secret
This song really continues the legacy of 'No'. The song performance consists of intense dancing. Very cool. When finished, everyone gathered onto the middle of the upper-stage and the ball-like structure covered them while the screen lowers and shows 'The End'

20. Pink Key
Very nice song with positive feeling.

The starting is accompanied by acoustic guitar. This time the crowd once again starts to shout namie's name out loud, making her felt too embarrassed to sing properly. At the ending, she ,out-of-usual, sang the last part in one shot so that the crowd will not have the chance to shout her name or called out 'Kawaii!!'. It's like namie is acting a bit childish. Quite amazing. Cuz it's obvious namie is rushing to end the song fast and first time she doesn't stop and giggle but very cutely instruct everyone to be quiet.

22. Say the Word
A happy ending. The focus is on the introduction of the band. The spot-light is not on namie while she sits and rest. But she still silently, very highly waving the tower to encourage the crowd to do so. Although the light is not on her and she can un-noticeably rest, cuz the stage is small, can see her still waving the tower very intensively. What moves me is that she hope that everyone is cheering for the hard-working band as much as she is.


Changed a new template ^_^

A bit bored of the white background of my blog...

So changed a new template. I like the color! ^_^

The fonts is smaller and everything looked neater!

Hope everyone like it too! If not, can give me your comments.

Check out my new poll too!


'PLAY' Week 16 sales

安室奈美恵 - "PLAY"

Week 16: 1,359
Total: 507,708


There's an increase of 138 copies sold compared to last week's sales!
All thanks to 'PLAY' tour 2007 ! ^_^

'FUNKY TOWN' Parody!

Someone did a namie parody on a popular Japanese's Parody TV show:

This is the FIRST time i saw a parody of namie on this show !!! ^o^ I seen imitations of hikki, nakashima mika etc. but never namie's !

Although the performance doesn't amazes me, but her appearance, outfit, hair looked 80% similar to namie's !!

Because of that, I give her my applause! ^_^


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Namie's last photo-shoots in her 20's !!!

Here's one more scan from her nov. issue of 'SWEET'

and they're her LAST photo-shoots in her twenties !!! OMG ! >_<

Interesting info that comes with this scan... ^_^

scan by nabs1014

Monday, October 15, 2007

Look at this CRAZY namie fan ! O_O

This crazy namie's fan is wearing her tour goodies singlet + wrist-bands...

and HE's a GUY !!! O_O;

Looked at all the concert photos on his wall and door !!! >_<


Female Celebrities who became prettier recently.

Oricon recently did a poll on 'Female celebrities who became prettier recently' and here the results:

no.1: Koda Kumi
no.2: BoA
no.3: Namie Amuro

Ai Otsuka, Hikki, Nakashima mika and ayu also made the chart.

I guessed that kumi-chan got no.1 cuz she changed her hairstyle recently and she looked more refreshing and prettier.

And BoA looked really mature, beautiful and different in her latest "LOVE LETTER" pv.

As for namie, she just looked more and more prettier as she ages! Haha ^_^


'PLAY' Week 15 Sales

安室奈美恵 - "PLAY" 07/06/27

Week 15: 1,221
Total: 506,349


Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Luvotomy" Promotion Video 10/16 On Air !

It is confirmed that m-flo will be using the live performance of "Luvotomy /loves namie amuro" as the promotion video for the DVD!

The pv will be aired on 10/16.

Here's the play-list:


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Scans from Nov 07 issue of SWEET

scans by namie's taiwan fan-blog

Friday, October 12, 2007

Oricon Top 2007 Albums/Singles Ranking

2007 Albums chart:

01 1,170,916 HOME / Mr.Children
02 1,016,142 Black Cherry / 倖田來未
03 *,817,295 the best damn thing / Avril Lavigne
04 *,766,776 ALL SINGLES BEST / コブクロ
05 *,715,987 A BEST 2-WHITE- / 浜崎あゆみ
06 *,696,728 A BEST 2-BLACK- / 浜崎あゆみ
07 *,696,385 愛 am BEST / 大塚 愛
08 *,652,876 ケツノポリス5 / ケツメイシ
09 *,630,009 CAN'T BUY MY LOVE / YUI
10 *,618,265 グレイテスト・ヒッツ / スキマスイッチ
12 *,517,641 HEART / 伊藤由奈
13 *,506,349 PLAY / 安室奈美恵
14 *,498,451 R35 Sweet J-Ballads / Various Artists
15 *,476,686 B-SIDE / Mr.Children
16 *,450,698 39 / KinKi Kids
17 *,446,261 VOCALIST 3 / 徳永英明
18 *,441,446 あっ、ども。はじめまして。/ GReeeeN
19 *,427,832 Denim / 竹内まりや
20 *,426,181 Golden Best ~15th Anniversary~ / ZARD

2007 Singles chart:

31 *,153,464 イケナイ太陽 / ORANGE RANGE
32 *,148,388 僕らの街で / KAT-TUN
33 *,147,611 キッス~帰り道のラブソング~ / テゴマス
34 *,144,081 Baby Don't Cry / 安室奈美恵
35 *,143,769 SEVENTH HEAVEN / L'Arc~en~Ciel
36 *,142,890 MY HEART DRAWS A DREAM / L'Arc~en~Ciel
37 *,142,165 HONEY BEAT/僕と僕らのあした V6
38 *,141,365 また君に会える/ ケツメイシ
39 *,139,907 東京にもあったんだ/無敵のキミ / 福山雅治
40 *,135,093 My Generation/Understand / YUI
119 ,*56,279 GREEN DAYS / 槇原敬之
120 ,*55,581 ちっぽけな勇気 / FUNKY MONKEY BABYS
121 ,*54,030 FUNKY TOWN / 安室奈美恵
122 ,*53,868 この世の限り / 椎名林檎×斎藤ネコ+椎名純平
123 ,*53,256 花 / 中孝介 07/04/11
124 ,*53,047 笑顔YESヌード / モーニング娘。
125 ,*51,275 マリンスノウ / スキマスイッチ


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nov 2007 issue of 'SWEET'

Namie on the cover of the latest issue of 'Sweet' Magazine.

I will add the scans when they're available.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

"NEVER END" by Crystal Star

Apparently, saw this recently:

A beautiful young lady named, Crystal Star, sang namie's "NEVER END" during apple festival in Vernon B.C.

I must give credits to her cuz her performance was pretty good. ^_^ I managed to watched the whole video and not go (WT*?!?! >_<)...

She has another "Violet Sauce" performance I don't really fancy.

uploaded by [crystalstar5]

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Clips of Namie Amuro & Mika Nakashima on same show

I saw this a few years ago and it's quite interesting. ^_^

The first part consists of namie and mika on HEY! HEY! HEY! and namie said she caught a cold. Nothing interesting there.

The second half is the funny part. It's part of a episode of Music Station Special Live.

Namie was sitting beside mika, both minding their own business.

Then suddenly, something caught namie's attention.

She look around and laughed because she saw something funny!

Then mika noticed namie and turn around to see what happened to namie.

Namie pointed.

Mika was like "huh? ......What the?!"

hahaha ^_^ namie is so attentive!

uploaded by [bax390]

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Jpop Collection

Took some pics of jpop collection:

For your info, all these were bought from singapore's local cd-shops. I don't buy CDs online. ^_^

My first jpop cd i bought was namie's "LOVE ENHANCED single collection" in 2002.


'PLAY' Week 14 Sales

安室奈美恵 - "PLAY" 07/06/27

Week 14: 1,571
Total: 505,128

info by [KeNstEr]

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Watch Namie new Lipton Chiffon Milktea CM

Click on the pics to watch original cm & making off:


I uploaded the cm on youtube:

Omg O_o namie looked drop-dead gorgeous in that angel-like dress! Speechless...

Lipton website