Thursday, November 27, 2008

'BEST FICTION' Week 17 Sales

安室奈美恵 - "BEST FICTION"

Position: #38

Week 17: 3,344
Total: 1,439,178

'BEST FICTION' only dropped three places with 300+ copies lesser than last week's.



Anonymous said...

There's month left for her to beat Exile. Hopefully Christmas will boost sales! I don't know if she can do it, BUT I SURE AS HELL HOPE SHE CAN!

Anonymous said...

No, it's not possible. Oricon 2008 year ends on 7th december (which means weekly charts on 15th).

Anonymous said...

being the 2nd is already's just that the release date of exile love was longer than BF..let's just hope for her next album! =)

Anonymous said...

yes exactly!

EXILE's LOVE was released on the very 1st week of Oricon year 2008 so it had 52 weeks in the charts. BF only had 19 weeks in the charts and it sold more than EXILE in the same period so technically we can say that BF wins:p