From Japan Zone:
J-pop star Amuro Namie (32, profile) and Yoshimoto comedian Tamura Atsushi (36) are the latest Japanese showbiz "power couple," according to today's issue of women's weekly magazine "Josei Seven." Though they left Japan on separate flights to Los Angeles at the end of December, the pair were spotted on a flight to Phoenix. From there they headed to the spectacular scenery of Sedona, Arizona. During their 9-day trip, the couple were seen holding hands and cuddling so there is little doubt that they are in a relationship, but their respective management agencies refused to comment.
One half of the comedy duo London Boots No.1 No.2 (profile), Tamura has been popular with the ladies for many years and has had romances with the likes of talentos Fujisaki Nanako (32) and Wakatsuki Chinatsu (25), and actress Nakagoshi Noriko (30). A relationship with an "ippanjin" (someone not in showbiz) ended last September. He and Amuro met at a mutual friend's house party last summer.
Amuro has had a roller coaster career, starting at the Okinawa Actors School before she hit her teens. She rode the Eurobeat wave in the early 1990s and was at the peak of her solo success in 1997 when, at the age of 20, she became pregnant and married TRF dancer Sam (47). She continued her career, even overcoming the murder of her mother in 1999 and divorce in 2002. Her popularity has been resurgent in the last couple of years, helped partly by her image as a working single mother.
omg....this is really shocking!
Awww, so sweet. I hope it's true she will be so happy!!
OMG, good that someone has lucky in love, unlike me. As long as she is happy, I will be too for her!
i really don't like him, hope namie change her mind T.T
I was thinking it was time for her to find someone again, but she could've choosen someone better looking xD Ok, joke aside, I don't like that he has dated so many other people before...
Hope Namie will be happy with him if it's true anyway :)
C´mon... he is so ugly
namie can do so much better than that dude, he better be good to her.
cuuute! awww if namie loves him i say go for it! she probly goes for less attractive guys b/c maybe the hot ones all have crappy personalities.
hopefully she doesn't get pregnant and go on hiatus like she did in the 90's, especially now that she's so popular again. i think she learned from her mistake.
and where's haruto during this???
"C´mon... he is so ugly"
+1 x__x
she can do much better than...this xD
but as long as she's happy i'm happy too n.n
PD: I'm sorry but I need to say this again...He's UGLY :O!
ugh, amuro can do so much better than this, what was she thinking, ewww
she's our princess, and i just cant see her dating this troll, im really SAD now, ewww, just ewwww
Well I remember in a past interview, she said she always likes guys that can make her laugh and talks alot. So he fits the bill. I think Namie is a pretty low-key and down to earth person, looks wouldn't have been a major reason for her choosing. Plus she's young, gorgeous, and has her whole life/career ahead of her; who knows if she will settle with this guy.
I do notice with the people I know, the hot girls always go for average or less than average attractive guys. Haha
^ Thank you, anonymous.
I was shocked at this news. It was all so sudden, and for a while since 2008-2009 I was waiting for the day that Namie finally found someone again, and wondered why by now why she hadn't, and was starting to think how she probably wouldn't for a long time, but I was so happy to find out that she has :') Now as a fan there is that little tinge of... possessiveness, I guess you could say, and jealousy? Lol, that sounded creepy, but yeah. Namie's not ours, and we don't literally think so, but we are very attached to her and don't want to see her get hurt again. I must say that I'm appalled at the fans who say that she's too good for him soley based on looks. Now now, have you learned nothing as a Namie fan? She's more into guys who have great personalities rather than ones who have great looks but who are boring/have nothing else to them. And you know, that's really cool. People who have a semblance of maturity concerning relationships would understand. I think you lot have this notion that since Namie is a hot celebrity that she should get with some *~sugoi bishie~* and that pisses me off. The only thing that gets me vaguely upset concerning this relationship, though, is that he's rumored to be a playboy-- or just a fuck 'em and leave 'em kind of guy. Supposedly he's had as many as 400 one-night stands. If she's known him since the summer, then that's 6 months, and that could be an indication of seriousness. Who knows, maybe she has the potential to ~tame the wild beast~. There is no compromising of Amuro's happiness, to me, and I don't want to be too presumptuous, but the last thing I want to see is her opening her heart again only to get it stomped on in the end. Everyone wants to be loved and I'll be damned if this guy doesn't know what a good thing he's got, if it's really serious... and I'm 99% sure that Namie isn't just looking for some fun. As for them going to a hotel for 9 days, lol, yeah, do the math, suckas. I just hope she doesn't catch an STD from his horse raddish.
I would support the whole 'great personality' thing, except--you guys DO know she had a huge flirtation with Gackt a while back, right? xP Just Youtube 'Itsuka no Merry Christmas' and 'Gackt dancing'! She could do so much better! Dx
Um... he's at least better looking than SAM, so forget about the ugly. And like someone else said, a lot of really good looking female celebrities usually end up with average looking guys (*cough* Beyonce and Jay-Z *cough* and so many more examples) so I'm not surprised.
I only worry a little cus he's rumored to be a playboy type... but hey, maybe none of them want anything serious...? or maybe he's serious now...?
The point is, there's really no point in speculating too much since we don't really know anything.
So... goodluck to them :) (and Haruto... though obviously Namie must have thought of him and worked it out already)
^ and Namie and Gackt were so cute :P but I doubt there was really anything serious to it :( besides happening to be on the same show a few times.
oh, 2 more things:
1) it's strange that paparazzi caught them now (in another country) after they were dating so long... they must have gotten a tip (from Avex lol j/k)
2) I always thought she missed Kouhaku (and other year-end shows) to spend time with her son, but maybe she just misses it for vacation time (or hates the show for some reason we don't know of).
Hey guys , I know that this news was probably shocking , unexpected , devastating and perturbing in all the cases but let's pray for her, for what i know he treats her well .
Look at this picture relating her love life though I dont know exactly who is in the middle of them :
I saw this and wanted to share it:
According to Tokio Sport News: A close friend of Namie and Atsushi Tamura ( who is supposed to be dating)said that he ( Atsushi) often goes to familiar reunions of Namie and that he is really caring and loving towards her. It's known for everyone (close to them) that they are dating and even a friend uses an image of Amuro and Atsushi to show that this relationship still continues to this day
The newspaper reported that besides they arrived in Los Angeles on separate days to keep their relationship secret.
ahhhhhh!! ( big sight) Well I dont have any rights to tell her anything . I just wanna know if she at least told before all this stuff to Haruto or he just already know it for the news ( that must be really shocking if that's the case ) , but let's be positive ok!!
She deserves happiness afterall.
everyone is shocked and pretty much disappointed by the guy's outlook and history(I admit that too)...
dun be unfair to namie and her son...
namie is a pretty mature girl after all the ups and downs these years...
have faith and confidence in her...and wish our queen have a happy love life...
my only question for that picture (
http://image.wespai.com/amuro/1929.jpg) is why they show the guy on top with some other guy and then blurr the face of the guy with namie, that could be anyone and its all speculation until the facts come out so lets just stop talking bout this and just support amuro as an artist.
Come on everyone! let's all be happy for namie!! ^o^ She needs a man in her life!! she's in her 30's already! He's not that bad looking. at least namie picked someone better looking than Sam right? i'm happy for namie but i also think that namie could have done better but..I'm just happy for her. he better treat namie kindly and with respect!
He is so lucky that he's dating Namie. :(
Oh well, congrats
As long as Namie is happy. I'm happy for her, she needs someone in her life to make her happy. And if he the guy, so be it. I'm just happy for Namie.
Ewww haha I always thought of him as a perv because he hosts a lot of those shows that have to do with sex, and he also has a bathroom sense off humor. I think Namie likes him because he is bold and funny. I think he is a little creepy but whatever makes her happy. Nice she is seeing someone... anything is better than SAM anyways :) imo
This is so mean what some of you are saying!
Who cares if he's ugly?!
He's making Namie happy, and thats GREAT!
I hope everything works out for her!!
It is a fact that he is ugly, but come on, anybody would look ugly if he/she would stand next to Amuro Namie's beauty! But shallowness aside, i don't like him because of his playboy reputation.
also, i think the pregnancy was a good thing. if she never had that fall, she probably wouldnt strive this hard to make a comeback.
use protection this time Namie '^_^
Most important thing isn't look, but nature is!
'use protection this time Namie '^_^'
I lol'd so hard.
Namie ain't afraid of the horse radish. AIN'T AFRAID. Y'all niggaz herd?
^ brb lol-ing forever
that aside, i hope this relationship goes well without, or at least with little bumps. and of course, that she's happy with him!
Hey guys I found this video on youtube and according to it , it seems that some journalists are questioning to Tamura Atsushi if he is dating her or not??!!!
please help to understand it better ok!!
love you alll
namie love ya
Translation was posted here: http://community.livejournal.com/favoritemutant/82113.html#cutid1
I'm so happy for her!!! I thought that Namie would be traumatized of love ever since her jerk face ex left her. I can see why she went for him. He's outspoken, funny, and outgoing than the cute, quiet, and polite Namie-san. Like the saying "opposites attract". I wish her a happy relationship with Atsushi. I actually found a not so bad picture of him in his band jealkb. Amuro Namie forever <3
Another thing, the annual Kouhaku show is a pain in the butts for singers because they have to rehearse like crazy for a week! They can't even go on breaks while doing so! NHK wants the show to be perfect because senior citizens and little kids are watching so they want no surprises (remember DJ ozma?) So I can see why Namie san and other artists wouldn't want to be in there anymore. They have a life and would rather watch it than be in it working their butts off. I hope this clears it up.
I'm happy for Namie. I hope everything goes good.
Now Tamura has conformed their relationship to the media.
From japan Zone:
"Comedian Tamura Atsushi (36, photo left) was all smiles yesterday as he formally acknowledged his reported romance with J-pop star Amuro Namie (32). Tamura spoke to reporters in the lobby of the Yoshimoto Kogyo offices in Shinjuku, Tokyo, shortly after his return from a vacation with Amuro in the U.S. "We really stimulate each other. And I feel very relaxed when we're together," he said. Asked if they had plans to marry, he pointed out that their relationship had only just started but added in his usual frank style, "As things develop, if those kind of feelings grow..." Amuro of course has been down that road before and has an 11-year-old son from her marriage to TRF member Sam (47), while Tamura has been involved in a string of romances with other celebrities. Some commentators have described the couple as "unbalanced" but they have both matured into solid careers and Japan Zone wishes them all the best."
It is a fact that he is ugly!
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I agree with tetsu, don't go around calling Namie's marriage and pregnancy "a mistake," that's fucking rude. I'm sure Namie wouldn't like people saying things like that about Haruto...Eesh! And I liked Namie with Sam, lol, don't call him ugly!
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