You can help us by typing in 'Namie Amuro', submitting your name and e-mail address, hoping it'll make a difference and who knows, Namie will visit Singapore in 2010!? Thank a lot!
my suggestion is this: draw up a proper petition and get as many signatures/votes as possible. send your request through to avex. it will help if we have an official singapore branch of namie's fanspace.
At the person who wrote Amuro Namie, I think it actually should be Namie Amuro since the website is in english and probably follows english conventions. So, her given name, Namie, should be first :p
安室 奈美恵 (A-mu-ro Na-mi-e) or Namie Amuro is a Japanese singer and dancer from Okinawa. Born on 20 September 1977 , she started her career in 1992 with the group 'SuperMonkeys' and debuted as a solo singer in 1995. Named the most successful Japanese female singer of all time and sold over 35 million records, she still remains as one of the most popular and best selling singer even to this day. However, she officially retired on 16 September 2018. More about her at Wikipedia
Last Release
Live DVD & Blu-ray Final Tour 2018 ~Finally~ + 25th Anniversary Live in Okinawa 2018.08.29 on sale!
I had vote Namie Amuro
i hade vote... but does it exist to invite her to Italy too? XD
Come to Europe!!
If you also to help to bring the Namie for the South America, I also vote for Singapore
Indiaaa!! Come to Indiaa! So close to Singa XD
yeah she should come to germany :D
pls come to America Namie,many plp love u,i voted for Singapore too for u fans,continue touring we will definitely support,love Selena
i am her in the usa but i still voted lolz
i ment i am here in the usa but i still voted lolz
hey. i wrote Amuro Namie instead of Namie Amuro because she is 安室 奈美惠 NOT 奈美惠 安室.
I had vote for Namie.
I hope she will be more known in the world and she will come in Europe too *_*
my suggestion is this: draw up a proper petition and get as many signatures/votes as possible. send your request through to avex. it will help if we have an official singapore branch of namie's fanspace.
At the person who wrote Amuro Namie, I think it actually should be Namie Amuro since the website is in english and probably follows english conventions.
So, her given name, Namie, should be first :p
I voted :D
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