'Make U Believe/That's What You Are'
CD-only (Front & Back)

CD+DVD (Front & Back)

Excited !?!?!?! ^o^
Hahaha! Very sorry to disappoint anyone of you who goes 'OMG!!!! A new single!!!' cuz they are made by me and the titles created by bored namie-fan in AHS forum... :P
I am the bored Namie-fan on AHS! :D
lool ^^
it's awesome :p
GG anyways. ;)
i was so fooled i thought those might actually be her new single covers they look so good.
sdngidsfjvcls waaaaah... I thought it was a new single... cry cry... ugh...
Man, I actually thought that it was actually real. x_x props to you guys for making it seem so authentic!
O_O what the!?!?!
i saw the magazines before...i was from 2005 and i can't believe u made it looked like a real CD-covers !!!
I think avex can hire you as their creative designer!
Hey !
wich pics did you use ??? i'm looking for them!
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